Charles F. Manski

Charles F. Manski(查尔斯·曼斯基)——美国西北大学经济系校董会经济学教授


  • 1 Charles F. Manski的简介[1]
  • 2 Charles F. Manski的成就[1]
  • 3 Charles F. Manski的出版研究[2]
    • 3.1 Books and Edited Volumes
    • 3.2 Selected Articles
  • 4 参考文献

Charles F. Manski的简介

  Charles Frederick Manski (born 1948), Professor of Economics at Northwestern University, is an econometrician in the realm of rational choice theory, and an innovator in the arena of parameter identification.Manski’s research spans econometrics, judgment and decision, and the analysis of social policy (such as work on "School choice"). A specialist in prediction and decision, he is known within the economics field for landmark work on “partial identification,” identification of discrete choice models, and identification of social interactions. He has also performed substantial empirical research on measurement of expectations in surveys.

  Charles Manski was born on November 27, 1948 in Boston, Massachusetts. He is the son of Holocaust survivor and Sugihara visa recipient Samuil Manski and Estelle Zonn Manski. Manski grew up in Dorchester and West Roxbury, Massachusetts, attended Boston Latin School, and worked in the family diner.One day, while leading a Torah reading, he had an epiphany that led him away from religious studies and towards scientific skepticism:

  "I learned something about why dogmas can be tenacious and irreconciliable. Many doctrines pose nonrefutable hypotheses. That is, they make statements about the world that are impossible to disprove. For example, it is impossible to disprove the hypothesis that the god of the Torah created the universe in six days and then rested on the seventh day. It is similarly impossible to disprove the hypothesis that the universe was created by the Flying Spaghetti Monster."

  Manski is married to Catherine Manski, a lecturer in the Department of Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago.He has two children, journalist Rebecca Manski and sociologist Ben Manski, as well as a grandson, Lev Manski.

Charles F. Manski的成就

  Charles Manski received his B.S. and Ph.D. in economics from MIT in 1970 and 1973. He first taught at Carnegie Mellon University (1973–80), moving on to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1979–83), and joining the faculty of the University of Wisconsin–Madison (U.W., 1983–98). While at the U.W., Manski served as Director of the Institute for Research on Poverty (1988–91) and as Chair of the Board of Overseers of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (1994–98). Since 1997 Manski has been Board of Trustees Professor in Economics at Northwestern University.

  Manski has served as a member of the National Research Council's (NRC) Committee on National Statistics (1996–2000), and the Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education (1992–98). At the NRC, he has been Chair of the Committee on Data and Research for Policy on Illegal Drugs (1998–2001) and a member of the Board on Mathematical Sciences and their Applications (2004–2007) and the Committee on Law and Justice (2009–). Manski is an elected fellow of the Econometric Society, The American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.In 2009, Manski was elected to the National Academy of Sciences; he is one of 2 economists elected to the body in 2009, and one of about 60 economists elected up to that point.In 2014 he was elected a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy.

  As of 2007 Manski's research interests focus primarily on the field of formation of social policy with partial knowledge of treatment response. Economists and doctors alike share a common interest in gauging the effect of various "treatments" delivered to "patients." Since research on treatment response rarely provides sufficient information to determine effectiveness, how should the available evidence be employed in choosing future treatments?

  Manski has been editor of the Journal of Human Resources (1991–94), co-editor of the Econometric Society Monograph Series (1983–88), member of the editorial board of the Annual Review of Economics (2007-13), and associate editor of the Annals of Applied Statistics (2006-10), Journal of Economic Perspectives (1986–89), Econometrica (1980–88), the Journal of the American Statistical Association (1983–85, 2002–04), and Transportation Science (1978–84).

  He has served as director of the Institute for Research on Poverty (1988–91) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, as chair of the Board of Overseers of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (1994–98), and as chair of the Department of Economics at Northwestern University (2007-10). At the National Research Council, he has been chair of the Committee on Data and Research for Policy on Illegal Drugs (1998-2001), a member of the Board on Mathematical Sciences and their Applications (2004–07), the Committee on Law and Justice (2009-15), the Committee on Deterrence and the Death Penalty (2010–12), the report Review Committee (from 2010), the Committee on National Statistics (1996–2000), the Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education (1992–98), the Committee on the Federal Role in Education Research (1991–92), the Committee on Research on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice (1985–87), and the Panel on Research on Criminal Careers (1983–86). Manski is an elected member of the National Academy of Sciences and an elected fellow of the Econometric Society, The American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the British Academy.

Charles F. Manski的出版研究

Books and Edited Volumes

  Manski, Charles F. Public Policy in an Uncertain World. Harvard University Press (2013).

  Manski, Charles F. Identification for Prediction and Decision. Harvard University Press (2007).

  Manski, Charles F. Social Choice with Partial Knowledge of Treatment Response. Princeton: Princeton University Press (2005).

  Manski, Charles F. Partial Identification of Probability Distributions. New York: Springer-Verlag (2003).

  Manski, Charles F., with J. Pepper and C. Petrie, eds. Informing America’s Policy on Illegal Drugs: What We Don’t Know Keeps Hurting Us. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press (2001).

  Manski, Charles F., with B. Fischhoff, eds. 2000. Elicitation of Preferences. Kluwer Academic Publishers (2000). Originally published in 1999 in the Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 19(1/3).

  Manski, Charles F. Identification Problems in the Social Sciences. Cambridge: Harvard University Press (1995).

  Manski, Charles F., with I. Garfinkel, eds. Evaluating Welfare and Training Programs. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press (1992).

  Manski, Charles F. Analog Estimation Methods in Econometrics. London: Chapman and Hall (1988).

  Manski, Charles F., with D. Wise. College Choice in America. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press (1983).

  Manski, Charles F., with D. McFadden, eds. Structural Analysis of Discrete Data with Econometric Applications. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press (1981).

Selected Articles

  Manski, C. F. 2014. Identification of income-leisure preferences and evaluation of income tax policy. Quantitative Economics 5(1): 145–74.

  Manski, C. F. 2014. Choosing size of government under ambiguity: Infrastructure spending and income taxation. The Economic Journal 124(576): 359–76.

  Manski, C. F. 2013. Diagnostic testing and treatment under ambiguity: Using decision analysis to inform clinical practice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110(6): 2064–69.

  Manski, C. F., with J. Pepper. 2013. Deterrence and the death penalty: Partial identification analysis using repeated cross sections. Journal of Quantitative Criminology (Feb.):1–19.

  Manski, C. F., with A. Delavande. 2012. Candidate preferences and expectations of election outcomes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109(10): 3711–15.

  Manski, C. F. 2011. Actualist rationality. Theory and Decision 71(2): 195–210.

  Manski, C. F., with J. Dominitz. 2011. Measuring and interpreting expectations of equity returns. Journal of Applied Econometrics 26(3): 352–70.

  Manski, C. F., with W. Bruine de Bruin, G. Topa, and W. van der Klaauw. 2011. Measuring consumer uncertainty about future inflation. Journal of Applied Econometrics 26(3): 454–78.

  Manski, C. F. 2011. Policy analysis with incredible certitude. The Economic Journal 121:F261–89.

  Manski, C. F. 2011. Choosing treatment policies under ambiguity. Annual Review of Economics 3:25–49.

  Manski, C. F. 2011. Policy choice with partial knowledge of policy effectiveness. Journal of Experimental Criminology7(2) 111–25.

  Manski, C. F. with W. Brock. 2011. Competitive lending with partial knowledge of loan repayment: Some positive and normative analysis. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 43(2-3): 441–59.

  Manski, C. F. 2010. When consensus choice dominates individualism: Jensen's Inequality and collective decisions under uncertainty. Quantitative Economics 1(1): 187–02.

  Manski, C. F. 2010. Vaccination with Partial knowledge of external effectiveness. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107(9): 3953–60.

  Manski, C. F., with A. Delavande. 2010. Probabilistic polling and voting in the 2008 presidential election: Evidence from the American Life Panel. Public Opinion Quarterly 74(3): 433–59.

  Manski, C. F., with A. Blass and S. Lach. 2010. Using elicited choice probabilities to estimate random utility models: Preferences for electricity reliability. International Economic Review 51(2): 421–40.

  Manski, C. F., with F. Molinari. 2010. Rounding probabilistic expectations in surveys. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 28(2): 219–31.

  Manski, C. F. 2009. Diversified treatment under ambiguity. International Economic Review 50(4): 1013–41.

  Manski, C.F., with J. Pepper. 2009. More on monotone instrumental variables. The Econometrics Journal 12: S200–16.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Charles F. Manski.维基百科
  2. 《CHARLES F. MANSKI——Board of Trustees Professor in Economics》.Institute for policy research

